Finally done with the 2nd edition re-edits!

After three editing passes on the final book, I’ve finally completed the 2nd edition re-edits.  Now I’m facing all the work that comes after, including some new covers, new synopses, new author notes, print versions, print covers, etc…

I’ll be republishing each book as I complete it, and just work my way through them one at a time.  I’m hoping to have them all republished by late September, and then once all those are done and republished, I’ll start the re-edits on Cindy’s Story, and get it republished as well.  Then, once that’s done, I’ll start thinking about what I want to write next.  I wrote Aftermath to be the final book in the Unseen Things series, but I can’t say for sure that it’ll actually be the final book.  There are definitely some story elements that I could work into whole new stories, or I could just start up with a whole new book that’s completely unrelated to the series, which at this point is what I’ll probably end up doing.

Anyway, I got a lot of work still ahead of me, but at least there’s some light at the end of the tunnel now. 🙂