Cindy’s Story is now the official title of my next book…
Unable to come up with a better title, Cindy’s Story will be the official title of my next book. That’s what I’ve been calling it ever since I first came up with the idea, so the name just sort of stuck.
I designed the cover for it today, and I just finished chapter four. Work was delayed by the passing of my father and some other things that have been going on, plus it’s slow going because I’m writing a non-series book. I had this problem with book 17 of the series as well. It was all new characters and a totally new setting, so I can’t just pound through stuff like that the way I can when I’m working within the normal series canon.
So it will take a bit longer with this one, but I’m really happy with how it’s going so far. I don’t have an estimate yet for when I’ll be done with it, but when I get closer to the end I should have a better idea.
Anyway, that’s it for now. Just wanted to pop in and give a little update.
D.L. Stalter
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