Lack of progress, lack of sleep and lack of inspiration…
I recently went for well over two weeks without making any progress in my next book. There are a variety of reasons for that, but the core reason behind it all is the one I’ve already stated in a previous post. I suffer from primary, acute insomnia. Normally it’s tolerable, but the last two months it’s been absolutely destroying me. I have a few functional hours a day, and the rest of the day I’m either an unfocused mess or I’m sleeping. Unfortunately, this lack of focus and general heaviness I’m feeling in my head most of the time killed my creativity. I couldn’t get together the wherewithal to actually sit down and write, and even when I did have enough focus to write, I didn’t know where I wanted to go next with the story because you just can’t think clearly when you’re going through something like this.
That said, I did just recently finish chapter 11, and today I actually did come up with a really cool idea for what to do next, so as soon as I start writing again, at least I’ve got some direction.
My insomnia has never been as bad as it’s been the last couple of months. I actually had a pretty good day today and got a fair amount of sleep, so I’m hoping it’s a sign that it’s starting to get better. One can only hope.
Working through my insomnia and making progress…
I haven’t posted for a while because I really haven’t had a lot to say. As I’ve stated previously, I’ve been suffering through a particularly bad bout of insomnia, and that really did a number on my writing schedule. However, that seems to be easing off now, and not only did I just finish chapter 13 in the current book with some writing that I’m extremely proud of, but through that writing I came up with an idea for another book. The next book in the series will be called Genesis. I’ll let you make of that what you will.
I’ve had the start of another book sitting on my hard drive for quite some time now. It’ll probably be a stand alone and not a part of a larger series, and it’s completely unrelated to the Unseen Things series. I’ve been wanting to work on it for quite some time now, but I was so involved with the series that I haven’t had the time or the energy to do it. After 20 books in the Unseen Things series, I think I could use a little break to rest and recharge the ol’ batteries, and writing this other book would be the perfect solution to that. I’ll still be writing, but it’ll allow me to step away from the series for a bit.
Genesis is going to be a really involved book that’s going to take a lot of thought about what I want to do with it, but it’s a logical progression of the characters and what they’ve become. They’ve literally been gods for quite some time now, so it’s time they took that final step to solidify their position as such. 😉
Anyway, that’s it for now. I just wanted to check in to give a little update. I’m sleeping more consistently and for longer periods of time now, so my focus is returning and I’ve got the creative juices flowing once again, which pleases me to no end.
By Duane • Uncategorized 0