Almost healed, and other news…
I had my second carpal tunnel surgery several weeks ago, and even though I still have tendon swelling, tightness, and numbness in both hands, my right hand is quite functional, and my left is well on the path to recovery.
I decided to end the Unseen Things series with the 22nd book, Aftermath. I got about ten chapters into a 23rd book, but I just wasn’t feeling it. There was some good stuff in there, but the rest was just feeling forced. Aftermath was written to be the final book in the series, so I’m not too awful disappointed, but still, it’s kind of sad knowing there’ll likely never be another book in the Unseen Things universe.
That said, I was talking to a writer friend of mine online the day before yesterday, and during that conversation I got a germ of an idea for a new book. So far I’ve only written the intro, so I’ll just have to see where it leads. The book is called The Accidental Hero. Let your mind wander with that, since that’s what I’m doing as well at the moment.
Anyway, that’s enough for now. I need to get back to doin’ nothin’, so I’ll have time to do nothin’ later as well. 😉
Well…chapter 1 finished. So far, so good.
Just finished chapter 1 of The Accidental Hero. So far I’m happy with how it’s coming along, but it is only the first chapter, and I still have a lot of things to work out along the way. The Unseen Things series was like a comfortable old shoe I could just delve into and start writing whatever I felt like writing. Writing standalone novels is like writing the first book of a series. You have to world build completely from scratch, and the way I write, that all just evolves organically. Virtually nothing is pre-planned, and the stuff that is, is all subject to change at the drop of a hat so it fits into the story the way it’s evolving. The ideas I was working with when I started the Unseen Things series changed drastically as I wrote the first book. They were replaced by better ideas, and that’s why I don’t pre-plan my works. I allow them to evolve in whatever ways they feel like they should as I’m writing.
Speaking of writing, my hands aren’t a hundred percent yet by any means, but at least I can type now without constant typos, so that’s good at least.
Anyway, that’s it for now. Catch ya on the flip side. 😉
By Duane • Uncategorized