Where have I been, and some news…
Where have I been? My right hand has been having some bad problems. I can’t make a fist, and my fingers are numb, which as you can imagine makes it incredibly hard to type without making constant typos. It set my work schedule back by months already, because I didn’t want to do any work on republishing the series when there was a higher than normal chance I’d have typos in it and end up screwing things up without even realizing it. That does bring me to my news though. I’m almost ready to republish book seven, Trackers. I finished the new print cover today after some hangups I had in re-rendering the cover, but I finally managed to get a close approximation of the original, so we’re good to go. I’ll probably get it published this evening at some point, and then I’ll start working on the print version of the 8th book.
I have an appointment on Monday for a nerve conductivity test, so they can find out where the problem is with my hand, and then I have a follow up at the hand doctor in mid-March. Hopefully we’ll get this thing resolved so I can start playing bass again. I haven’t been able to play since this whole thing started. 🙁
Trackers 2nd edition published, and Origins 2nd edition updated…
I finally finished all the work on Trackers 2nd edition and got it re-published. Now I’m working on reformatting the first six print books, as well as fixing up a few things that I missed in each one during the editing passes. Origins 2nd edition is updated, and I’m working on The Hunt (book 2) right now. As soon as I get all six done and updated, I’ll get to work on the finish work on the 8th book and continue on from there.
By Duane • Uncategorized